
相關規定 外交部臺灣獎學金作業要點
獎勵內容 新臺幣2萬5,000元(每月)
  1. 具高級中等以上學校畢業學歷,學業成績優良,品行端正之外國籍人士。
  2. 未具臺灣國籍
  3. 未具我國僑生身分
  4. 未曾在臺就讀擬申請之同等級學位課程。
  5. 受獎期間非為我國各大學校院依據與外國學校簽訂學術合作協議所招收之交換學生。
  6. 未曾被我國政府機關或相關機構註銷獎學金資格。
受理單位 申請人所屬國之大使館
申請時間 每年2月1日~3月31日(以公告簡章時間為準)
相關網站 臺灣華語教育資源中心
Application Info Taiwan Scholarship Program Directions
Award Value A Monthly stipend of 25,000 NTD
Eligibility 1.Is a high school graduate or above with an excellent academic record, of good moral character and has no criminal record

2.Is not a national of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

3.Is not an overseas compatriot student.

4.Has never attended an educational institution in Taiwan at the same level of degree or LEP that he/she intends to apply for.

5.Is not an exchange student through any cooperation agreement between a foreign university/college and an educational institute in Taiwan while receiving the Scholarship.

6.Has not previously had a Scholarship revoked by an ROC  government agency or other relevant institution.

Where to Submit Your Application Submit your application to your local Taiwan Embassy, Taiwan Consulate, or Taipei Economic and Cultural Office.
When to Submit Your Application February 1st through March 31st. However, the actual application period will be in accordance with the general regulations of the local Taiwan Representative Offices.
Further resources Taiwan Mandarin Educational Resources Center