中心 2018-2019 Non-Intensive Chinese Programs (春夏秋冬 華語專班)




Seasonal Course Course Duration Tuition Application Deadline Registration
Spring Session(12 weeks) Mar. 05 to May. 25 NT$30,000 Jan. 26 From Mar. 01
Summer Session (12 weeks) Jun. 04 to Aug. 24 NT$30,000 May. 04 From May. 31
Fall Session (11 weeks) Sep. 03 to Nov. 16 NT$27,500 Aug. 03 From Aug. 30
Winter Session (10 weeks) Nov. 26 to Feb.01 2019 NT$25,000 Oct. 26 From Nov. 22

*3-8 students in one class

*15 hours/per weeks (10 hours of small-group classes plus 5 hours of supplementary language classes)

Other fees

*Registration Fee (for first time registration students only) :NT$500

*Administrative Fee (Group Accident Insurance included):NT$600

How to Apply

If you DON’T need to apply for a VISA

The required documents are as follows:

  1. A photo copy of passport
  2. 2-inches photo
  3. Application form​
  4. Registration form

Please fill out the application form below and mail to:ctcshu@mail.shu.edu.tw
Or bring those documents to Center for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language at Shih Hsin University.


If you NEED to apply for a VISA

Prepare and complete the required application for CTC admission approval. The required documents are as follows:
1. A photo copy of passport
2. 3 of 2-inches photos
3. Study plan form
4. Diploma
5. Transcript
6. Financial statement(within 3 months of US$2,500)
​ 7. Application form

8. Registration form

​*Please send the original documents to #1, Lane17, Sec.1 , Mu-Cha Rd., Taipei ,Taiwan, 11604 R.O.C. Room S501

​*The above documents must be originals (Except passport and diploma); copy and fax are not accepted.